Thursday, October 13, 2016

FOUR months POST-surgery (RIGHT foot)


It's been four months since my RIGHT foot surgery and I can feel a big difference in my foot. If you haven't read my previous posts, I had a treatment called LAPIDUS BUNIONECTOMY on my right foot and was non-weight bearing for 6-8 weeks. 

So I was able to start walking at 7 weeks post surgery with a walking boot. I had some difficulty and discomfort with walking and trying to balance my ankle while making steps. It was like learning how to walk again since there was no physical activity for 7 weeks. I started walking with one crutch to prevent putting too much pressure on the right foot and taking short walks around the neighborhood. After a couple of weeks, I was able walk up and down the stairs and take longer walks. There was a lot going with my life at this period of time so to be honest, I was neglecting proper care for my foot. I made several trips to SoCal and walked all over the beaches with flats and sandals for a long period of time. I felt pain and pressure while walking with flats and sandals. My Dr. had suggested VIONIC sandals and SUPERFEET sole inserts for shoes to keep my foot at the right arch. These products are quite expensive but they really work! 

I also started going to physical therapy and had major improvements with my foot. With proper care and treatment, I am able to bend and flex my right toe while applying pressure on it. My toe is still quite stiff but will be able to gain more physical strength and flexibility with time and practice. Overall, I am happy with the result and most importantly, I am very satisfied with the surgical treatment. 

Pros and cons....

The best thing I got going through this surgery is there is NO MORE PAIN and no more bunion. My foot is not straight but as long as the pain is gone, I can't complain. 

The downside of this surgical treatment is the permanent scar and time needed to completely heal (normally 6 months to a year). 

Well that's it...

I just recently moved into a smaller condo and it's single story so my next foot surgery will be a smoother ride. Yass.. no more stairs....

Before and 4 months post surgery

Below are the two foot products I currently have. 

Superfeet Insole to place inside shoes

Vionic sandals